6 Ways to Streamline your Ecommerce Store

6 Ways to Streamline your E-Commerce Channel

6ย Ways to Streamline your E-Commerce Channel


With e-commerce, we are continually moving towards buying everything we want or need online, then having it delivered preferably same the same day. Online shoppers & users also demand the process be as painless, quick, and easy as possible!


What is Eโ€“Commerce?ย 

Ecommerce, also known as electronic commerce or internet commerce, refers to the buying and selling of goods or services using the internet, and the transfer of money and data to execute these transactions. Ecommerce is often used to refer to the sale of physical products online, but it can also describe any kind of commercial transaction that is facilitated through the internet.

Learn more about ecommerce services in Kenyaย 


E-Commerce is the new norm for consumer shopping and offers immense opportunity for brands to expand their reach and increase conversions. Developing the optimal E-Commerce marketing channel will require strategic planning, in addition to ongoing monitoring and enhancements to ensure your brand connects with your customers in a meaningful, relevant way that maximize conversions alongย the buyerโ€™s journey.


Taking the time to understand the customer journey on your E-Comm site, and adjusting for any gaps (refer to the checklist) will help to deliver the experience your customers expect โ€“ and the desired level of profitable interaction such as making sales and acquiring qualified leads for your services/ solutions or products. It is critical โ€œto get it rightโ€.ย ย 


If itโ€™s too cumbersome or time consuming to find you, or if customers find it difficult to get the information they need to make the purchase, they will just move on. Typically, you get one chance for a successful conversion.

Benefits of selling onlineย 

Nowadays, customers prefer the convenience and experience of shopping online, especially now with many more companies offering benefits and perks to online users such as โ€“ sign up coupons, flexible payment terms, returns, extra discounts for spend thresholds, free or discounted shipping, surprise (and delight) gifts with purchase as well as flash sales for special online products.

For online businesses & brands, thereโ€™s no denying that e-commerce offers immense benefits in reaching your target customer such as of expanded geographical reach and 24/7 customer accessibility, along with the potential for collecting valuable demographic information in the form of analytics from dashboards such as Google Analytics, Bing analytics or even Google search console.

How can you fetch better digital analytics for your ecommerce store? Learn more about our SEO solutions

As a business owner willing to go the e-commerce way,ย  investing the time and resorces to develop a smooth digital user experience on your web platform is key to providing access to key information that enables online shoppers make an informed purchase decision.

Mobile optimization should be considered high on the list, with more than half of the online shoppers today utilizing smart phones, tablets or hand-held devices.

So what helps to create a seamless customer experience in an E-Commerce platform?
  • Enhanced page elementsย โ€“ These are design features which assist online customers evaluate alternatives and increase conversion, such as videos, reviews, and product descriptions (info/specs). Also included are โ€˜call-to-actionโ€™ buttons that encourage the user to take an action leading them to the next stage of the buyerโ€™s journey,
  • Custom campaign landing pagesย โ€“ These are โ€˜special website pages. that are solely focussed on driving more engagement and conversions for specific solutions or products.
  • An optimial check-out processย to minimize time spent finalizing payment and delivery.ย  Ideally, allow members the ability to save payment/shipping preferences
  • Personalized and relevant recommendationsย โ€“ Upsells & cross-selling of products around the various content areas in the e-commerce store should be visible in areas such as the blog sidebar, header & footer banners, posters or even interstitial ads in selected areas.
  • Live Supportย โ€“ Live support is key in generating more conversions in your e-commerce store. Toll-free calls, chat bots & online/ mobile chat systems enable you address sales inquiries or general queries faster, increasing your overall conversion-rate.ย 
  • Leverage SEOย โ€“ย Search engine optimizationย of your website pages and products with keyword-rich content to increase awareness and promotion of your products/services through organic search is also a must when aiming to increase conversions. There are 3 different kinds of SEO >> On-page, off-page & technical search engine optimization.
How can our E-commerce solutions add value to your online brand?

We develop custom WordPress e-commerce stores to manage and market products in your online shops. Whether an individual or business selling products or subscription services, your WordPress-based online store will enable your business acquireย qualifiedย leads, sell online, learn more about your ideal customer and products and provide business intelligence from website & digital marketing campaign data.

Below are some key features & functionality any good online store should have:

Key features
  • Easilyย update-able online storeย for your products & solutions. We offer monthly inventory management for online store owners.
  • Createย sign-ups and user-accountsย for your online store visitors.
  • Multipleย payment gateway integrationย such as VISA, PayPal, MasterCard and mobile money via vendors ssuch as PayPal and KOPO KOPO. These include โ€“ MPESA (โ€˜Paybillโ€™ & โ€˜Lipa Na MPESAโ€™), Airtel Money, Telkom & MasterPass
  • Stay helpful and human to your clients withย Live chatย messaging & automation (Chat & WhatsApp) for you and your team
  • Measure online traffic &ย conversion-rateย of your e-commerce store and different products. Learn whatโ€™s a hit or miss in your e-commerce store.
  • Attract more customers byย optimizingย your products & services, offering discounted store prices for better online sales.
  • Pricingย Tables & Boxes for your store products in Kshs.
  • Availability ofย Product reviews and ratings
  • Well- optimized inventoryย (store items) to help you get noticed by users on search engines such as Google & Bing.
  • V.A.T & Shipping costs addition if needed.
  • Connected toย Google Analyticsย &ย Google AdWordsย (PPC) dashboard if the need for Google or YouTube marketing campaigns arises
  • Bulk Uploads & editsย for many products in CSV or XML databases.
  • Variable Productsย creation and quality checking.
  • Point of Sale Systems
  • Social Login features
  • CRM managementย โ€“ Integrate a customer relationship management software to better workflow for various teams and departments in your organiation such as Zoho, SalesForce, HubSpot, Beatrix 24 or even Mailchimp and Google Sheets databases.

[email protected]ย or Call/ WhatsApp (+254) 0737 055737

Comments (2)

  • Obila Doe

    November 26, 2021 - 2:19 pm

    Our infrastructure management approach is holistic, addressing capacity monitoring, data storage, network utilisation, asset lifecycles, software patching, wired and wireless networking and more.

  • James Weighell

    November 26, 2021 - 2:21 pm

    A hosted desktop solution allows for the delivery of a consistent and scalable IT experience for all users in an organisation. With this solution, users gain access via a desktop icon or link.

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