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Search Engine Optimization Services in Kenya

Search Engine Optimization Services

Are you looking for SEO or search engine optimization services in Kenya? Look no further! We specialize in providing top-notch SEO for WordPress CMS websites, campaign landing pages, blog posts, service pages, request a quote or demo pages and forms, e-commerce store products, and various custom platforms. 

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a crucial process for improving the visibility and ranking of a website in search engine results pages (SERPs). At our company, we specialize in providing SEO services in Kenya, particularly for WordPress CMS websites, campaign landing pages, blog posts, service pages, request a quote or demo pages and forms, e-commerce store products, and various custom platforms.

8 SEO Content Writing Tips for Better SEO to Delight People & Search Engines

We employ various white-hat SEO techniques to ensure the ethical and effective optimization of websites. Some of the techniques we use include:

  1. On-page SEO: This involves optimizing the content on your website, including body copy, keywords, headers, meta titles, meta descriptions, images, and more.

  2. Technical SEO: This focuses on improving the technical aspects of your website, such as website speed, mobile-friendliness, URL structure, site architecture, and crawlability for search engine bots.

  3. Local SEO: If your business targets a specific local area, we can help you optimize your website for local search results. This includes creating and optimizing local business listings, obtaining customer reviews, and implementing location-specific keywords.

  4. Product SEO: For e-commerce websites, we specialize in optimizing product pages to improve their visibility in SERPs. This includes optimizing headlines, product descriptions, meta data, internal linking, and navigational structure for better search and user experience.

10 Reasons Why You Should Choose WordPress for Your Website or Ecommerce Store Development in Kenya

In addition to these techniques, our SEO services and projects include:

  • Competitor research and analysis to understand your competitive landscape.
  • Page redesign to improve the overall user experience and engagement.
  • Contextual marketing to align your content with the interests and needs of your target audience.
  • Website page-load speed optimization for better user experience and search engine rankings.
  • Adaptability on all screens and displays to ensure your website is mobile-friendly.
  • Keywords research to identify the most relevant and valuable keywords for your business.
  • Page interlinking to improve website navigation and search engine crawling.
  • Meta data optimization to create informative and compelling meta titles and descriptions.
  • Schema optimization to enhance the visibility of your website in search results.
  • Image compression to optimize image sizes without compromising quality.
  • Analytics Integration to track and measure the performance of your website.
  • Custom enquiry forms to facilitate easy communication between you and your website visitors.
  • Page caches and code minification to improve website speed and performance.
  • Website security measures to protect your website and user data.
  • Website content and copyrighting to ensure your content is informative, engaging, and optimized for search engines.
  • Maps integration to display your location and enhance local SEO efforts.
  • Chat systems for real-time communication with your website visitors.
  • Google and Bing webmaster tools integration for better website management and performance tracking.
  • Implementation of best industry practices to ensure your website follows SEO guidelines and standards.

10 Tips to Increase Online Visibility for Your E-commerce Store with Product SEO

We offer affordable and flexible payment plans with different SEO packages to suit your specific needs and budget.

Optimizing your website is crucial for several reasons:

  1. Increased visibility: Higher search engine rankings lead to increased visibility, ensuring more people find and visit your website.

  2. Better conversion rates: When your website appears prominently in search results, you have a higher chance of attracting qualified leads and converting them into paying customers. This can lead to better ROI for your advertising budget.

  3. Establishing online authority: A well-optimized website helps you stand out from your competition and establish your brand’s authority. It allows you to showcase your unique selling proposition, customer reviews, testimonials, and more, which can build trust and credibility among potential customers.

  4. Improved user experience: SEO focuses not only on search engine rankings but also on enhancing the user experience on your website. By streamlining navigation, improving page load times, and creating engaging interfaces, you can reduce bounce rates and keep visitors on your site for longer.

  5. Targeted visibility in different categories/niches: With effective SEO, your website can rank well in multiple industry-related searches, different topics of discussion, news items, and product categories. This broadens your reach and increases the chances of attracting relevant visitors.

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Search Engine Optimization

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Basic SEO Package (One-off)  - $782 | Elite Package (Continual SEO) - Custom Quotation

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Project Duration

How long would you prefer your website to be optimized? once/ one-off or continually?

SEO Project Objective

What would you like to achieve with SEO? Select one or multiple key website objectives you would want to achieve with search engine optimization

We're Certified!

We offer accredited methodology and solutions recommende by industry thought-leaders, top bodies & various examining institutions

Professional Support
Our service support comes complete with online meetings, training sessions, regular updates, montly reports on call, chat or mail.

Why choose us?

KWETU Marketing Agency is a top consulting marketing agency in Nairobi, Kenya. We offer one-off & renewable marketing solutions to suite your objective and budget.

Top quality



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