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Google Search Ads in Kenya - KWETU Marketing Agency

Google Search Advertising

Google Search ads are a form of native advertising that appears on search engine result pages. These ads are visible when a user makes a query on Google, search ads that are relevant to the keywords then appear in the top four spots of Google’s Search Results Page or at the very bottom of the page – what’s more, the search network now displays images of products from eCommerce sites.


These ads are based around the immediate need for a product or service. This ad format shows up when the searcher needs them. This is why it’s a top choice for higher leads and sales because many people click on these types of ads. More clicks equal more engagements. More engagements mean more sales. 

Responsive search ads let you find the best way to match user’s search intent and improve your campaign’s performance. They also allow you to tailor your ad text based on your customers’ locations and help you reach more people.

Learn more on How to Grow Your Business With YouTube Video Advertising

Why we make a difference!

5 reasons why our Google Search advertising services make a difference in your project and budget:

  • We take time to do research about your ideal customer and create buyer personas that are used in our advertising campaigns.
  • We advise the client on the best course-of-action before we commence on every campaign or digital project – with discovery meetings, custom strategy & recommendations.
  • Our campaigns are always objective-driven. We assist the client meet overall objectives such as creating buzz, acquiring awareness, influencing consideration and delivering quality leads.
  • The agency offers flexible payment plans for short-term campaigns and discounts on long-term digital marketing projects.
  • We always strive to offer services and implement strategies based on key industry benchmarks such as conversion-rates. Our approaches are certified by top digital marketing & IT-related industry leaders & voices.


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We're Certified!

We offer accredited methodology and solutions recommende by industry thought-leaders, top bodies & various examining institutions

Professional Support
Our service support comes complete with online meetings, training sessions, regular updates, montly reports on call, chat or mail.

Why choose us?

KWETU Marketing Agency is a top consulting marketing agency in Nairobi, Kenya. We offer one-off & renewable marketing solutions to suite your objective and budget.

Top quality



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