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How To Advertise Your Business, Services or Products on Google


Google advertising is a great means to marketing your services and products online. Google ads enable you to show your unique messaging or ‘ad’ to people who are actively searching for what you offer, your kind of business or a preferred service provider in your local area on Google’s Search and Display networks Advanced targeting features, optimized campaign formats and a ‘pay-per-click’ ad-bidding system makes most organizations, business and brand owners want to advertise on Google locally and worldwide.

Looking for PPC Advertising services in Kenya? we offer Google & YouTube ads renewable monthly. See all the features, pricing and packages Google and YouTube Advertising Prices in Kenya

What Is Google Advertising?

Google Adwords defies the classic way businesses advertise online especially when in comparison to social media marketing platforms such as Facebook and Instagram: It uses a bidding system on based on keywords with the commercial intent of convincing your potential customers and target market to click the advertisement to visit your website or campaign landing page. Real estate developers in Kenya would bid for keywords like “apartments for sale” and “Mombasa beach house” or even “office spaces in Nairobi” while financial institutions, businesses and SACCOS would bid for keywords such as “affordable loans in Kenya”, “LPO financing”, “Mortgages in Kenya’ and other variations of the same.


Our Pay-Per-Click Advertising (PPC) / Google Ads Pricing & Packages

PPC advertising, including Google Ads, is an effective way to drive targeted traffic to your website. Our PPC packages include Search and Performance Max Ads.

PackagePrice (Monthly)
Basic PackageKsh. 92,016
Premium PackageKsh. 185,000
Elite PackageKsh. 350,000

What Makes Google Advertising The Better Option For Your Online marketing?

At KWETU, a Google certified advertising agency in Kenya, we recommend Google advertising for businesses and organizations that require digital marketing to reach specific target market(s) or customers. in-platform features on Google Ads formerly Google AdWords enable you to accurately pin-point your messaging or advertising.

Another advantage of using Google Ads According to Neil Patel’s  ‘Google AdWords Made Simple: A Step-by-Step Guide’ 

“When people go to Google, they’re looking for something specific. That means they have intent. They’re actively looking for something to buy. They’re literally telling you what they want to buy by typing out words around your products and services”

Unlike advertising on social media marketing platforms whereby your budget will be exhausted after a prescribed duration e.g. 7 days or 30 days, Google advertising offers a pay-per-click ad bidding system whereby you only pay when someone clicks on your ads!

Quick Stats on Advertising with Google

According to quicksprout 2017 PPC Stats from ‘SEO vs. PPC: Which Should You Focus on First?’

  • PPC visitors are 50% more likely to buy than organic visitors
  • 65% of all high-intent searches result in an ad click
  • Search ads increase brand awareness by as much as 80%
  • 32% of companies use PPC to sell products directly to consumers
  • On average, businesses earn $3 for every $1.60 spent on AdWords

How Advertising on Google Works

When a potential customer or Google search engine user searches for a term or phrase, Google will show the user a number of results, both organic and relevant ads based on the keywords used in the search.

Websites that want their ads to show on the results pages for users queries on Google bid on keywords that they believe people will use when looking for their type of business. services or products.

For example, a restaurant located in Gigiri, Nairobi, Kenya might bid on the keywords such as “hotel Nairobi,” “Four-star hotel,” or even “top hotels Kenya.” Depending on how much you bid compared to other hoteliers in the target area, such as Nairobi from our previous example -your ad may show up on the user’s results page when people search for the terms you bid on.

Google Display Advertinsing Services in Kenya

What Is Quality Score?

Quality score is an estimated average score of overall performance in ad auctions for your keywords. In addition to how much you bid on your preferred keywords, Google also takes into consideration the relevance of your messagingquality of your ad and website or campaign landing page. Higher quality ads can lead to lower prices and better ad positions.

A great quality score is one of the most important factors to observe when advertising on Google alongside properly setting up your campaign. So even if you have the highest bid set for your keywords so that you can rank number one on search results, you may end up spending much more from a lower position of your Google ads because of a poor quality score.

We recommend the KWETU Starter package which includes website design or re-design and/ or Search Engine optimization in one affordable package for a great quality score before advertising on Google in Kenya.


Where will your advertising be displayed?

Google will display your messaging on either or both the Search Network (Ads can appear above or below search results on Google Search. They can appear beside, above, or below search results on Google Play, Google Shopping, and Google Maps, including the Maps app or Display Network (a variety of sites across the internet which ranges from blogs to news sites and even YouTube, referred to as the Google Display Network – GDN)


Top Advantages of Advertising on Google

As the world’s most popular and widely used search engine, Google is considered the de facto leader in online advertising. Fielding more than 3.5 billion search queries every single day, Google offers advertisers access to an unprecedented and unequaled potential audience of users who are actively looking for goods and services These are our 4 top benefits to advertising on Google:


1. An Wide Audience & Targeting Pool

The greatest benefit when advertising on Google search or display networks is its immense reach with more than 40,000 search queries every second, making it a total of more than 1.2 trillion web searches every single year according to Wordstream.This means that the customers, clients or leads that your are targeting are actively using the Google platform and all you need to do is tap into it with accurate targeting and a good quality score!
2. Google ‘Search’ Users Have Buying Intent
People searching on Google are typically in the market for something that will ease their pain-point(s). They already know what they want, meaning they’re further along the buyer’s journey. They use keywords to search for what they want.
Comparing this to advertising on Facebook, you cant show your messaging/ ‘ad’ at the moment people are searching the internet via Google. You’re specifically targeting people that are in the market for your goods or services at the moment they’re seeing your ad. Not only that, you can target only people that are located in your area, which is a huge plus for local businesses especially in a competitive market.
3. You Only Pay If Someone Clicks On Your Ad!
Another enticing feature of Google advertising is that you only pay if your advertisement works, meaning when someone ‘clicks’ or engages with your advertisement. Google uses a pay-per-click or otherwise known as ‘PPC’ advertising model that dictates you only pay for advertising if someone is searching for the keyword you have bid on AND is interested enough in your ad to click on it.
How much does Google Advertising Cost? – You can set how much you are willing to spend for your ad by setting a maximum daily budget or even a total campaign budget making it very flexible. This differs greatly from advertising in your local daily newspaper, road-side billboard or a print publication, which costs a standard price that is paid whether or not someone even looks at your advertising.
4. A Data-Driven Approach With Analytics -Tracking Ability
With the new Google Ads dashboard you can track:
  1. how many people see your ad,
  2. how many click on your ad,
  3. and how many take an action once on your website.

This way, if you notice that a lot of people are clicking on your ad, but no one is buying anything once on your website or campaign landing page, you know you will need to edit either the landing page or the ad itself to improve better results and quality score.

With the new Google Ads platform, you are able to keep track of how your campaign is performing on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis. The platform also provides useful insights and suggestions for you to make any necessary adjustments quickly in order to have a successful digital campaign.

A report by Google is also available whenever you need it – all in understandable format.

How To Advertise Your Business, Services or Products on Google

Reasonable Investment, Great Rewards!

Just to highlight the return-on-investment that Google stands to deliver your business in comparison to other advertising channels such as billboards or print advertising, here is a scenario:

Imagine you own a large retail outlet/ shop and decide to buy billboard advertising. Unless a customer told you that they decided to buy your services or products because they saw your messaging along the highway, there would be little to no information otherwise. You would be making a big investment without really knowing if it was yielding a positive return on your advertising budget.

With Google ads, you can track exactly how many people visited your site because they clicked on your ad and there is minimized risk of budget wastage since you can stop running an ad at any given time if you notice that you are not getting the results you want.


FAQs about Google Ads in Kenya

How much is Google Ads per month in Kenya?
The cost of Google Ads per month in Kenya varies based on the package you choose. Our packages are as follows:

  • Basic Package: Ksh. 92,016
  • Premium Package: Ksh. 185,000
  • Elite Package: Ksh. 350,000

How to pay for Google Ads in Kenya?
To pay for Google Ads in Kenya, you can set up a Google Ads account and link a valid payment method such as a credit or debit card. You can also opt for direct bank transfers if supported. Payment is typically done through the Google Ads platform, where you can manage and monitor your ad spending.

How much does Google Ads actually cost?
The actual cost of Google Ads depends on various factors, including your budget, bidding strategy, industry competition, and targeting options. Costs can range from a few hundred to several thousand Kenyan shillings per month, depending on the scale and goals of your campaign.

How much is a YouTube ad in Kenya?
The cost of a YouTube ad in Kenya depends on factors such as ad format, targeting, and competition. On average, businesses can expect to spend between Ksh. 50 and Ksh. 1,500 per view or click. Monthly budgets can vary significantly based on campaign objectives and desired reach.

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  • Obila Doe

    November 26, 2021 - 2:19 pm

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  • James Weighell

    November 26, 2021 - 2:21 pm

    A hosted desktop solution allows for the delivery of a consistent and scalable IT experience for all users in an organisation. With this solution, users gain access via a desktop icon or link.

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