Sterling Capital – Website Redesign

  • Sterling Capital
  • Website Redesign, SEO

Website Design Solutions for Sterling Capital

Sterling Capital is a leading investment bank in Kenya offering inspired financial solutions with services such as fixed income trading, online trading, corporate finance & advisory, stock management services, equities trading, and financial advisory services among others.

Introduction & Client requirements

The client, a licensed investment bank in Kenya, required a custom platform that would enable the business to primarily accomplish two key functionality of showcasing their main services, new financial products and all their financial research material to potential investors and clients in Kenya and internationally.

Project Scope:

Sterling Capital, a leading investment bank in Kenya, approached us with the requirement of a custom platform to showcase their main services, new financial products, and financial research material to potential investors and clients in Kenya and internationally. The key objectives of the project were as follows:

  1. Showcasing Financial Products: The website needed to prominently feature Sterling Capital’s new financial products, including “Nawiri KES,” “Nawiri USD,” “Mkopo Dhamana,” and “Hisa Link.” These products were showcased on every page of the website, including the landing page.

  2. Content Management System (CMS): The client requested an easily updateable CMS that would allow their internal team to regularly update the website with new content, market information, and updates.

  3. Research Area: A dedicated section was required to showcase Sterling Capital’s expertise and industry leadership in providing market information. This section included embedded PDF files categorized by different topics, such as periodic stocks and bonds prices, market indexes, and financial results.

  4. Google Analytics Integration: We integrated Google Analytics into the website to provide the client with valuable insights and user behavior patterns, helping them make data-driven decisions.

  5. PHP System Upgrade: We upgraded the PHP system to enhance the website’s performance and functionality, ensuring a smooth user experience.

  6. Landing Pages: Custom landing pages were created for each financial product, complete with custom sliders and call-to-actions, to drive user engagement and conversions.

  7. On-Page SEO Optimization: Titles and descriptions were crafted for each page of the website to improve its visibility and search engine ranking.

  8. Website Imagery: Localized images were strategically added throughout the website to enhance the user experience. Premium plugins were used to scale and compress the images for optimal performance.

  9. Lead Capture System and WhatsApp Chatbot: We integrated a lead capture system and a custom WhatsApp Chatbot, allowing users to request consultation on Sterling Capital’s financial services and products easily.

  10. Custom Functionality and Navigation: Custom menus, banner areas on landing pages, and footer areas were developed to improve website functionality and user navigation.

  11. Custom Website Pages: Additional pages, such as an FAQ section, Terms & Conditions, and data/GDPR policies (cookie and privacy policies), were created to enhance user experience and provide relevant information.

  12. Website Security: We implemented a modern firewall, SSL certificate, and login security plugins to ensure the website’s security and protect user data.

  13. Company Profile and Governance: The website featured dedicated pages showcasing the board and team of specialists, along with their profiles, to highlight Sterling Capital’s corporate governance and expertise.

  14. Partner Section: A partner section was included on the website to demonstrate industry regulation and business credibility. Regulators such as the Nairobi Securities Exchange, Central Bank of Kenya, and Capital Markets Authority were prominently featured.

  15. FAQ Section and News Updates: An FAQ section and a news section (including blog posts) were added to provide users and potential clients with up-to-date information, knowledge transfer, and insights on various products and services.

  16. Google Indexing: We submitted the website to Google for indexing on Google Search Console, ensuring its visibility on search engine result pages.


The website design solutions provided to Sterling Capital resulted in the following outcomes:

  1. Enhanced User Experience: The inclusion of custom sliders, localized imagery, and intuitive navigation improved the overall user experience, making it easier for visitors to explore Sterling Capital’s services and financial products.

  2. Increased Engagement: The landing pages with tailored sliders and call-to-actions effectively captured user attention, resulting in improved engagement and conversion rates.

  3. Improved SEO: The implementation of on-page SEO strategies, including optimized titles and descriptions, contributed to higher search engine rankings, driving organic traffic to the website.

  4. Efficient Content Management: The integration of an easily updateable CMS empowered the internal team at Sterling Capital to efficiently manage and update website content, ensuring that the latest market information and updates were readily available to users.

  5. Lead Generation and Conversion: The lead capture system and WhatsApp Chatbot streamlined the consultation request process, generating valuable leads and facilitating conversions for Sterling Capital’s financial services and products.

  6. Strong Corporate Image: The dedicated pages showcasing the board and team of specialists, along with the partner section highlighting industry regulators, enhanced Sterling Capital’s corporate image and credibility among potential investors.

  7. Market Research Showcase: The research section, featuring categorized embedded PDF files, positioned Sterling Capital as an industry leader in providing market information, attracting potential investors seeking valuable insights.

  8. Enhanced Security: The implementation of a modern firewall, SSL certificate, and login security plugins strengthened the website’s security, ensuring the protection of user data and establishing trust with visitors.

Overall, the website design solutions provided to Sterling Capital successfully met their requirements and helped them showcase their financial services, products, and expertise to a wider audience. The improved user experience, enhanced functionality, and effective lead generation capabilities have contributed to Sterling Capital’s growth and success in the investment banking industry in Kenya.

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